HMD Global wants South Africans to fall in love with the Nokia brand again

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 March 2017

With Nokia's mobile devices making a resurgence at MWC 17, we sat down with HMD Global to discuss what they have planned for South Africa in the months to come. FULL STORY >


Four marketing lessons established brands should learn from digital native companies

By Staff Writer 4 May 2016

Faced with the market power of all these digital disruptors, established brands should learn how to compete with them using their own weapons. Thomas Oosthuizen, global consulting director at Acceleration... FULL STORY >


Q&A, Mark Bradshaw, SNAPnSAVE

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 July 2015

Having recently made a debut in the local retail and app space, we chat to SNAPnSAVE CEO Mark Bradshaw about its development and the disruptive effect of digital coupons. FULL STORY >


Gartner - business spending on paid social media reviews increasing

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 September 2012

Gartner says that corporate spending on paid social media product ratings and reviews is increasing. FULL STORY >

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